Change Tracking Configuration

Change tracking is a feature available at the 'Complete' license level.

If you require this feature but find it unavailable, please reach out to your Wasp representative for assistance.

Change Tracking is a costly feature in terms of application performance. Consider only activating change tracking only if you really need it.


The Change Tracking Configuration is a functionality to monitor modifications to items and changes in lookup values. This feature provides a list of alterations, the type of changes, the identity of the user who made the change, and the timestamp indicating when the change occurred. It's important to note that the change log is deactivated by default, requiring users to enable it if they wish to utilize this tracking capability.



  1. Enable Item Change Tracking - Click on the checkbox to enable the item change tracking feature. Once enabled, the Change Log will appear in the Item menu.

Note: To enable Track For Items, the tenant must have an enterprise-level (complete) license.

  1. Enable Lookup Change Tracking  - Click on the checkbox to enable the lookup change tracking. 
  2. Keep Change Log Duration Days - Enter the number of days to keep the change log. The duration is:

Warning! All change records older than the “Track Duration Days' setting will be automatically irrevocably purged from the system. So, after you update the Track Duration Days in the settings if you need to archive these changes for a longer period than the setting allows, we suggest you schedule a Monthly or Yearly report to capture the changes and store those results.