Android Add

This screen allows you to add inventory quantity to your items.

Tap on Transactions > Add.

The Add screen will appear.



Adding an Inventory

  1. Enter the item number or search for it. For more details, see the topic "search items on the view items screen".
  2. The item description will automatically populate based on the details provided during item creation. This field will be read-only. In some cases, the site and location may also autofill.
  3. Enter or select the site. For more information, refer to the search site topics.
  4. Enter or select the location or container. For details, refer to "search locations".

  1. Enter the cost.
  2. Provide the track-by details.
  3. Enter or select the vendor/customer. For more information, refer to the search vendor /  search customer topic.
  4. Enter or select the reference number.
  5. Enter or select the customer number.
  6. Input the quantity. The quantity field will be read-only and will be one if the item is tracked by a serial number,
  7. Select the unit name.

  1. Add any relevant notes.
  2. Tap on the Save button.
  3. The Summary button will display the number of transactions added

  1. Tap on the Summary button to view the summary screen. It will list all the added transactions.