Transaction History

The Transaction History screen displays all recent transactions.

Transaction History

View Archive

Transaction Receipt

Transaction Label


Transaction History

  1. Click on Transactions > History.

The Transaction History screen will appear.

  1. On the History screen, you'll see info about the transaction date, type, item, location, group, and more.

Container IDs:

Note: The container feature is scheduled for a future release.

For example,

Consider that you have created one item and two containers - a "Small Container" and a "Big Container". The quantity is added and the container ID is also assigned. When you move the item to a tracked container, the container ID will be empty, and the parent container ID will displayed. Similarly, if you move a tracked container to another tracked container, then both the container ID and the parent container ID will displayed.



  1. Show Filter - When you click on the Show filter checkbox, a text box will appear under each field where you can type the search text to find the desired detail.

  1. Group By  - The Group By feature allows you to "group" the displayed information so you can view data in a way that is easy to read. Depending on how you want to view your information, you can have one group, two groups, or many groups. For instance, if you want all items on the Item list to be grouped by location, you can quickly set this up using the Group By checkbox.

  1. Export ()- This feature enables you to export the listed items to an Excel spreadsheet. It can export up to 25000 records. Customize the list according to your requirements using the filters option. Once you've filtered the list to your satisfaction, click on the Export icon. This will initiate the download of the report. In most web browsers, you can access the downloaded file through an icon located at the bottom or edge of the browser window. For further guidance on locating your downloaded files, please refer to your browser's help resources. You can then save or modify the report as necessary within Excel.


View Archive

The 'View Archive' button allows you to access archived transactions. You can customize your view of archived transactions by applying sorting and filtering options within the transaction history grid. Depending on your chosen sorting and filtering criteria, the Archived Transaction screen will present the relevant archived transactions.



To view the Archived Transaction History screen:

  1. Apply the sorting and filtering on the transaction history screen. This will enable the View Archive button.
  2. Click on the View Archive button. The screen will navigate to the Archived Transaction screen and it will retain the same sorting and filtering as the transaction history screen.

Refer to the topic - Archived TransactionsPermissions & Archive settings.


Transaction Receipt

Select an item.

Click on the receipt icon to print the inventory transaction receipt.


Transaction Label

Select an item.

Click on the label icon to print the transaction label.


FAQs - Refer to Knowledgebase - Knowledgebase > Cloud for FAQs. Example: Meaning of the "User Transaction Date" column in the History tab

Note: Use of the resources described here requires internet access.