iOS Add

This screen allows you to add inventory quantity to your items.


Tap on Transactions > Add.

The Add screen will appear.



Site-Item/Category Restrictions

If “Site-Item/Category filter” is applied on the web, then in mobile when looking up an item - if there are working sites set, then the items field will only show the items that have no category or categories within the selected sites. Similarly, if a location is already selected, then the items that have no category or categories within the site for the selected location will be shown.

When lookup up a location: if there is an item selected that has a category then only show sites that have access to all categories or have access to the category of the selected item if the selected item has no category or no item selected then the same behavior as before.

An alert “Item Category is not allowed at Site” will show on typing restricted site name on the Site field.


Adding an Inventory:

Note: If the tracking is enabled for the item, then the screen will have a Serial Number/ Lot Number or Date field. Also note that If the item is tracked by serial number, the quantity is always 1 as each item will have a unique serial number.