
The Move screen allows you to move items from one location to another. When you create an item, you can add which locations it is residing and to which location it needs to be transferred. Each transaction allows you to move the list of selected items to only one location.

Moving inventory items using this software helps you to keep track of items moved from one location to another.  You can only move inventory that is listed in the system with a quantity greater than 0 (quantity is added on the Add Inventory or Receive Inventory screen.)

Inventory can also be moved on iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile devices.

Move Inventory

Site-Item/Category Restrictions on the Move Transaction


Move Inventory

Select Transactions > Move.

The Move screen will appear.

Note: Several fields in this section can be "locked". When a field is locked, it will retain the information you entered through subsequent transactions. This is useful if you are adding multiple items to a location or checking out multiple items to a single customer. To lock an individual field, click on the lock icon. You can select the Lock All button to quickly lock all fields that have the icon. Select Unlock All to unlock the fields, allowing you to add new information. Click here for information on how to Lock fields.

Item Details 

  1. Choose the item number from the drop-down options in the Item Number field. You can either type full or partial information to choose the item number.
  2. The Description field will automatically populate if the description is added while adding the inventory.
  3. Enter the location from which the item needs to be moved in the Move From Location field. The move from location field will show the site and location name on mouse hover.
  4. Enter the quantity in the Quantity field. The available quantity of the selected item will appear at the bottom of the Quantity field.
  5. If you want to move all units of this item, select the Move All Units checkbox.
  6. If the selected item has trackbys, the Tracking Details button will appear. Click on the Tracking Details button to enter the tracking details like serial number, lot number, or date. Refer to the topic - Tracking Details.

  1. In the Destination section, select the location in the Move to Location field where the inventory needs to be moved.  The move to location field will show the site and location name on mouse hover. Note: You can also update the location after moving the item to the queue. All the items in the Select Items to Move Queue will move to the destination location when the user clicks on the Move button.
  1. Click on the Add to Queue button.
  2. The item will move to the Select Items to Move Queue. Note that these items are not yet moved. 
  3. To update any of the details in the Select Items to Move section, click on the line item to be updated. The selected item will highlight in blue color and the details related to the item will populate in the item details section. You can update the required details and click on the Update button

  1. You can continue adding items to the queue as needed.
  2. When you have finished adding items, make sure that all items that you want to move are selected in the Select Items to Move Queue. Note: You must select the items you want to move in the "Select Items to Move" Queue. By default, all the Items in the Queue will be selected.
  3. Select Print Receipt if you want to print a receipt for this transaction. Note: In case the pop-ups are blocked and you cannot view the print receipt, refer to the topic - Popups and Redirects to view the print receipt.
  4. Click on the Move button when you are ready to complete the transaction.


Site-Item/Category Restrictions on the Move Transaction

During the move transaction, if the location selected in the move to location field has site-item/category restriction and if there is an item in the queue that does not fall in a permitted category, then the move transaction will fail and an error message will appear showing that all inventory items cannot be moved. The item will show a warning message that "Transaction disallowed due to existing site/category restrictions".

Note: Site-Item/Category Restrictions on the Add Transaction - If “Site-Item/Category filter” is applied on the web, then in mobile when looking up an item - if there are working sites set, then the items field will only show the items that have no category or categories within the selected sites. Similarly, if a location is already selected, then the items that have no category or categories within the site for the selected location will be shown.

When lookup up a location: if there is an item selected that has a category, then only show sites that have access to all categories or have access to the category of the selected item if the selected item has no category or no item selected, then the same behavior as before.

An alert “Item Category is not allowed at Site” will show on typing the restricted site name on the Site field.

Also, refer to the topic Site-Item/Category Filtering on the Edit Site page and Working Site for more details.