Remove Inventory

The Remove Inventory screen allows you to reduce the quantity of any item in your inventory, similar to the process of shipping inventory. You can also designate the customer associated with the removed inventory on this screen.


  1. Ensure the item is available in the application before attempting to remove it. Items can either be added manually or imported. For more details, refer to the topics Import Data and Add Inventory.
  2. Inventory quantity is also reduced or removed when an item is picked. For further details, see the topic  Pick Orders.
  3. The Remove function follows the FIFO (First In, First Out) method to determine which inventory is removed first. Example:

Inventory can also be removed on iOS and Android devices.



Remove Inventory

  1. Select Transactions > Remove.

The Remove Inventory screen will appear.

Note: Several fields in this section can be "locked". When a field is locked, it will retain the information you entered through subsequent transactions. This is useful if you add multiple items to a location or check out multiple items to a single customer. To lock an individual field, click on the lock icon. You can select the Lock All button to quickly lock all fields that have the icon. Select Unlock All to unlock the fields, allowing you to add new information. Click here for information on how to Lock fields.


Item Details

  1. Choose an item to proceed. The item can be an inventory, assembly, kit, container, or container ID. The dropdown will display the Number, Description, and Type, where the Type may include item, container, container ID, serial number, etc.

Note: The container feature will be available in a future release.

  1. The description field will auto-populate if a description is provided while adding the inventory.
  2. Select Location/Container

Autocomplete Dropdown


  1. Enter the quantity of the item you want to remove from the inventory. The available quantity for the selected item will be displayed below the Quantity field.
  2. Select a customer (if applicable).
  3. Notes (Optional) - Add any relevant notes.
  4. Removed Date and Time - Click on the calendar and clock icons to select the date and time when the item was removed.
  5. Tracking Details - If the item has tracking requirements (trackbys), a Tracking Details button will appear. Refer to the Tracking Details topic for additional information.


  1. Once all details are entered, click the Add to Queue button to complete the process.
  2. The added items will appear in the Select Items to Remove grid at the bottom of the screen. You can view sub-items by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the checkbox.


Note: To remove a kit, the sub-menus will display the KIT, showing its Bill of Material.

  1. The Location column will show the site and location name when you hover over it with the mouse. Similarly, hovering over a selected container will display its site, location, container type, and container ID.

  1. To modify inventory details for an item:


  1. Print Receipt

Note: If pop-ups are blocked and you cannot view the print receipt, refer to the topic Popups and Redirects for instructions on enabling them.


  1. Click the Remove button. A confirmation message will appear, indicating that the inventory has been successfully removed.

Note: Be sure to select all transactions you want to process before clicking the Remove button, as only selected transactions will be processed.

  1. The receipt will open in a new tab once you click on the remove button.